Perfect silence makes a tremendous impression, it is much more significant than simply not talking, perfect silence is the cession of all movement, including involuntary ones. Montessori uses the term silence to mean the inhibition of all movements, to do this we must establish a degree of comfort, so that we are not fighting the …
Bodywork, Focusing and Montessori
Bodywork in Montessori Lessons As those of you who teach in Casas will know Montessori gave two key lessons to young children which require them to use their bodies – Walking on the Line and the Silence Activity. As Montessori’s we want to engage the whole child, and yet, apart from these two activities most …
We constantly receive a high spectrum of frequencies which we consciously process and some which our ears take in but we do not consciously notice, these frequencies may still effect us. Many harsh sounds in our environment cause us to ‘tune out’ frequencies and noises so we do not listen well. We need to be …
Introduction: To be able to participate in movement, children must be able to choose to control their movement, they also need motor control and awareness to be able to listen and feel the music. Brain Gym exercises can be used for children who have not developed this naturally to help to connect the two hemispheres. …
Observing the Older Child
Montessori 1921 London Lecture, says, ‘It would seem as though to know how to observe was very simple and did not need any explanation, perhaps you think it will be sufficient to be in a classroom in a school and to look and see what happens, but to observe is not as simple as that, …
The World The Absorbent Mind and the Sensitive Periods for Language are used n the Montessori Method to provide a love for Geography and a foundation for further study.New technical language is easily and joyfully taken in by the child during this period. Terms for Land and Water masses, countries, continents are given so …
The Bells and Musical Activities
Bells Material Description: Two series of bells in duplicate from Middle C to High C. One complete set is mounted on brown stands, the other set on white stands are the tones and the sharps and flats on black stands. They stand on a keyboard marked with back and white spaces (corresponding to the keys …
More Care of the Outdoor Environment Activities
Sweeping paths Caring for outdoor plants Collecting and raking leaves Sowing seeds Planting a small plant Collecting litter with a picker-upper Watering potted plants Feeding birds at a bird table Using a small wheelbarrow Weeding plants The school should have an outdoor space to observe the seasons, to grow shrubs, flowing plants and grasses with …
Washing Hands at the Sink
Material Description: Sink at child’s height, soap in a dish and a flannel or small hand towel Presentation: Open the tap a little, wet hands Close the tap Take soap and rub it onto hands Open the tap, move hands through water to wash and rinse Close the tap Dry hands Points of Interest: Suds …
Needlework is a global tradition with regional differences used for many practical and aesthetic persons since early man, to express cultural beliefs and individual preferences it reflects the history and philosophy of an area. Local materials, colours, techniques and symbols are often used, the colour red representing weddings in India and Good Luck in …