Material Description: An apron, oil cloth, bucket, basin and matching jug, drying cloth, basket, scissors, spare paper, sponge, two vases of different materials and two coasters to stand them on and a tray (if the materials are not arranged on a table). The flowers can be brought from the garden or another vase elsewhere in …
Dusting a small table (chowki)
Material Description: A tray with a duster and brushes and a chowki already placed to fold duster. A dusty chowki and pedal bin need to be available. Presentation: With the child examine a chowki or other area for dust, decide to clean it Ask the child to take a duster, carrying it with index and …
Pouring using a Funnel
Material Description: A small bottle, a funnel and a jug placed in this order onto a tray, and a drying cloth. The jug should be filled three-quarters full with water. Presentation: Bring the tray to the chowki Ask her to place the drying cloth in the corner of the tray Place the …
More Care of the Outdoor Environment Activities
Sweeping paths Caring for outdoor plants Collecting and raking leaves Sowing seeds Planting a small plant Collecting litter with a picker-upper Watering potted plants Feeding birds at a bird table Using a small wheelbarrow Weeding plants The school should have an outdoor space to observe the seasons, to grow shrubs, flowing plants and grasses with …