Linear Counting (Group 3) Introduction The names of the numbers are introduced in Group 1 with the ‘Formation of Numbers’ when the Director checks the correspondence of the quantities with the card, she uses the conventional names for the tens and combinations of tens and units. As the child works with the decimal system she …
Group 4: Memorisation of Tables
Exploration and Memorisation of Numbers – (Group IV) These exercises aim to help the child with basic operation, preparing for Mental Mathematics. This group can come after the Decimal System (Group II), parallel to Linear Counting (Group III) or before it. The child must have acquired the ability to make dynamic shifts and have …
Group 5: Towards Abstraction
Passage to Abstraction – (Group V) Since beginning Mathematics as a sensorial exploration of Multiples of Variables and Groups, the child has handled successively more abstract representations of quantity using the Golden Beads, Stamps and Dots. She has applied the operations to these representations of quantities, manipulating them to perform dynamic shifts from one category …
Group 6: Fractions
Fractions Material Description: Ten green frames each with a circular red inset – one inset is whole, the others are divided into equal parts, each part having a knob Printed slips – one set with symbols of fractions, another with labels for common denominators A set of questions for the operations Working Mat and felt …
Why Elementary Movements?
An Introduction to Elementary Movements Receiving your children The infant arrives in the Children’s Home having already seen the Elementary Movements performed countless times at home by her family, but performed inconsistently, hurriedly and whilst many other activities are happening. The performance of Elementary Movements by the Directress gives the opportunity for the infant to …
Materials for Touch
Smooth and Rough Boards The tactile sense is used, especially by very young children to establish contact with the world, when the child enters the Children’s Hose the tactile sense is waining, becoming less urgent so it is important to establish contact between the child and the material early on. The fingertips are vital …
Thermic Tablets
Material Description: Material used to sensitise the hands Pairs of tablets made with different substances which vary by their ability to conduct heat e.g. wood, felt, cork, glass, marble, slate and iron. All the squares are alike in size and each pair is made of the same colour Blindfold Note: Firstly, the …
Thermic Bottles
Material Description: Eight small receptacles, preferably thermos flasks or bottles in jackets, containing water at various temperatures: Two should be at body temperature, marked with a pink dot Two should be ten degrees Celsius warmer Two should be ten degrees Celsius cooler Two should be twenty degrees Celsius cooler Note: The bottles should …
The Colour Tablets
Material Description: Box 1: A box containing six tablets made of lightweight wood, one pair of each of the primary colours, red, blue and yellow Box 2: A box containing twenty-two tablets, one of each pair of the primary colours (red, blue and yellow) the secondary colours (orange, purple and green) the tertiary colours (pink, …
Tasting Bottles
Material Description: Eight little jars with droppers, with pairs of bottles containing various substances with distinct tastes; two contain saline solution, two sweetened lemon juice, two plain lemon juice and two a solution of bitter aloes. Each set is distinguished from the other by a colour coded top. Four small glasses and two spoons, a …