Geometric Solids

Material Description: Different Geometric three dimensional forms including; Sphere, Ovoid, Ellipsoid (Curvilinear solid), Cone, Cylinder (Combination solid) and the Cube, Triangular Prism, Square Prism, Triangular Pyramid, Square Pyramid (Rectilinear solid).   These should be displayed on an open tray on a shelf in types of solid.  The Curvilinear Forms stay still with the use of …

Culture Theory

Technology and culture has allowed us to become specialists, living beyond our independent means, we rely on others for the fulfilment of our physical, emotional and spiritual needs, from pilgrimage to industrialised farming our culture is all around us and sustains us. Any baby is attached through the ‘link of love’ to learn the totality …


The World    The Absorbent Mind and the Sensitive Periods for Language are used n the Montessori Method to provide a love for Geography and a foundation for further study.New technical language is easily and joyfully taken in by the child during this period.  Terms for Land and Water masses, countries, continents are given so …