

World of Man (History)

Like Geography, this is a point of departure for language and to add variety and further Sensorial experience.  History shows how life was lived at different times, while Geography shows life in different regions.  We present facts through artefacts and language.  The transformation from Geography to History is accomplished through the Picture Folders of each Continent, Country, Region and City/Locality and the Backdrops for the People of the World, which give the ‘Keys’ to Cultural-Historic experiences.

  1. In small groups ask children to locate animals, plants, buildings, people from a country, to find the related inset from the Puzzle Map and other artefacts.  These are summarised in a short story to link and make an abstract concept from the physical pieces that have been already presented, culminating in a sense of place.
  2. Tell stories to share information about holidays, famous people, endemic animals and so on, encourage the older children to devise a shot piece of drama or narrative, and perform for the younger children.
  3. Some children enjoy making collections at this age and individual interests can be pursued here, for example the child might be interested in geology, stamps, transport, dinosaurs, costumes or famous people. As children near the age of six they are interested in documenting their work and enjoy synthesising information.  Any topic, including their personal history can be pursued through clay, drawing, diagrams – the directress aims to support the cild’s plans.
  4. Use the Folders with Mounted Images of People of the World as a basis for story writing or sorting pictures based on any category of the child’s choosing, for example costume, housing, food, transportation.  Aim to convey the ideas that lifestyle suits people’s Geography and that people everywhere have the same needs but use different, locally appropriate, strategies to ingeniously meet them.  Knowing about other cultures enables the child to identify facts peculiar to her own.

The History Folder

Material Description

Place in the folder pictures of inventors, artists, scientists etc. Have a few pictures of various people in relation to there primary life contribution, and let the child research her own interests accordingly. The child will realize human achievements and spiritual endeavours are researchable.


  • Invite the child to look at the pictures. The adult provides details about different persons so the child can develop awareness, gain keys to explore further independently.
  • Allow the child to classify the pictures in the folder so she concentrates and gains more knowledge.
  • Encourage the child to discover more about the figures, and refer to her the reference books in the library.
  • Later, provide the child with literature, e.g. story books, books on construction, paper production, historical events etc.
  • Later, provide biographies and connect history to other things.
  • The child can collect pictures and date them.


The child learns about different historical figures.

Age at Presentation

Four and a half years of age. 


Events Chart

Material Description: 

A blue and brown board (chart sized)


  • Let the children bring newspaper cuttings about the lead up to an event
  • Let the child place the article onto the first half (Blue) half of the board – this indicates a future/present event
  • Give information about the event through a factual group discussion
  • After the event has occurred ask the child to move her picture to the second (Brown) half – sensorially indicating the past
  • When the board gets too crowded remove the oldest notices



Direct Aim:

  • To give the sensorial impression of the passing of time
  • To gradually introduce the concepts of past and present
  • To build awareness of cause and consequence; what happens today effects tomorrow

Age at Presentation:

Four and a half years



History folder


Material Description: 

A few Pictures of famous people from different spheres, scientists, inventors, composers, leaders and thinkers, artists. Let the child pursue her own interests in research.

The child realises what individuals have achieved and their endeavours can be researched


  • let the child see and speak giving information about the different people, to develop a ‘key’ to explore further
  • let her classify the pictures in the folder to bring attention and clear thinking to develop her knowledge
  • encourage her to find out more from reference books
  • later give the child literature, e.g. The development of nursery rhymes, manufacturing of books, the making of paper, historical events that took place etc.
  • continue giving biographies, to connect historical events to people and places
  • encourage the child to collect pictures and date them


Direct Aim:

To develop knowledge about a variety of historical figures


Age at Presentation: 

4 and a half years





The Roman Arch


Material Description:

  1. Arch support made up of a base and a wooden trapezoid and semi-circle blocks (x,y,z)
  2. Base of arch
  3. Nine solid trapezoid shapes (a)
  4. Three pairs of trapezoids (small, medium and large) ( f,b,d)
  5. Two rectangular prisms (small size) (g)
  6. Two rectangular prisms (slightly larger) (c)
  7. Seventeen large rectangular prisms




  • Lay out the shapes very neatly
  • The child is familiar with the shapes
  • Set out one set above the other on the mat
  • Put the base first
  • See the illustration for building the arch
  • After it is built remove the base
  • Then put it away, keep each piece systematically in order in the box
  • For older children tell them, “The keystone holds the entire weight, gravity pulls, each  piece has a force pulling towards the Earth. The shape is very important.  It was invented by the Romans”.



Direct Aim:

  • To build the arch



Age at Presentation:

Four to four and a half years









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