Parts of Speech



Material Description:

Symbol for the preposition, green crescent and other symbols, grammar box 5 and filler box 5a



Oral Introduction

Take a box of beads, put the beads inside the box, above, by the side of the box, in front to of the box.



In the same way as the verb

For example, ‘Arrange a few beads between the red counters’ and ‘Arrange a few beads amongst the red counters’



The symbols are placed over the cards, ‘We use a green crescent to represent the preposition’.

Put back the objects, cards and symbols before repeating with all of the Long Cards.


Name Lesson

Remove the cards which name the parts of speech from the Grammar box, revealing the preposition last.

After working through all the cards, say, ‘Do you remember how we talked about the articles, nouns and adjectives and verbs? Today we have used a very interesting part of speech like in, by, in front of, called the preposition, it shows us where one noun is in relation to the others .  It tells us the nouns position’. Ask the children to identify prepositions, from the five sets of cards, for any prepositions they can think of, for verbs adjectives, nouns and articles and to describe the parts of speech.


After the lesson:

The children continue to work with the filler boxes for some time.



Transposition is important with the preposition as it changes the meaning greatly, the function of the preposition is about relationship.  Place the preposition at the beginning and end, it only shows relationship in a certain place, remove the preposition all together like before.  The preposition and it’s preceding phrase must go together.



Give an oral introduction if the child’s language is poor

The children should gain lots of experience before using the printed command cards.


When to give the lesson:

After the verb grammar box


After the lesson:

The children can write preposition poems



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