The Social Development of the Child in the mixed aged setting

Education for Peace, Values, and Rights and Responsibilities cannot be taught didactically but through the child’s experience of her ‘link of love’ which connects her to the environment. Montessori described Peace education as, “constructive social reform”, her aim was to Educate Society through the Education of Man, based on a child’s arising tendencies. Co-operation cannot …

Indirect Preparations

The Montessori Adult’s action must be guided by the Assistantial Approach this, ensuring that the Prepared Environment stimulates her freedom and allows her to work at boosting her freedoms and creativities.  The adult’s activities should protect the achievements already made and all the capacities a learner has already acquired for themselves and show their faith …

The Director

The Director is an adult who has been specially trained and is able to respond to the child when the needs of his inner child become stimulated and concentrated.  To help the child towards normalisation the Director is in constant contact with the child linking him to the environment, directing his untapped energies and helping …

Sensitive Periods

The child’s natural love for her social and physical environment sparks the potential for absorption and an intense attraction in those aspects of her environment which are stable and alive, this attraction during Sensitives Period allows her to meet her needs by manifesting her tendencies and potentials as periods of development. Sensitive Periods are globally …