
The Bells

Sensorial Exploration of the Bells These are two sets of identical bells showing the Major scale of C. The compromise a set of eight bells on white stands, mirrored by eight bells on brown stands. These are ideally left out on a bells cabinet on a keyboard base. The white bells to kept at the …



The World of Plants (Botany) and The World of Animals (Biology and Chemistry) A plant is a living organism manufacturing its own food (autotrophic) while animals require carbon to be fixed by plants which they digest (heterotrophs). Traditionally plants are divided into ground cover or non flowering plants and seed producing and flowering plants. The …


The Imagination

In the first plane the child’s mind absorbs directly from the environment, between 0-3 the child takes in information unconsciously.  Between 3 -6 years she  begins to direct her conscious observation, deliberatly  gathering information from her immediate environment through sensorial impressions and by interacting physically with it.  Doing so she explores her physical environment and …


The Needs and Tendencies of the older child

Montessori had a very particular world view, in this she saw humans as working to satisfy their individual, spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional needs. Needs She sees children as motivated by their needs, which are similar to the needs adults have but also motivated towards developing themselves into adult humans and satisfying the needs of …