Material Description: Have a light child sized bucket made of plastic or metal and a child sized heavy duty floor cloth, 28 cm2 with a colour coded tag to match the broom and dustpan and brush set. Display it by suspending it to the left hand side of. Cloths used for other purposes …
Sweeping the Floor
Material Description: The Children’s House should have three or four sets consisting of a broom, a dustpan and brush and a floor cloth, hung at an appropriate height for children. Each set should be colour coded, with the same coloured handles and hooks. The broom should be similar to ones used locally, with a size …
Using a sponge to clean a tray
Material Description: A tray with dust, a small sponge and a small bucket, made of plastic or metal and cleaning fluid in a bottle with a dropper lid. Presentation: With the child examine a tray or other area for dust, decide to clean it Ask the child to get a small …
Scrubbing a Table
Material Description: A working mat, oil cloth, large plastic mat, a child size bucket, jug and basin, three soap-dishes containing a small sponge, scrubbing brush and piece of soap respectively, two aprons (one of which should be child size). These materials should be colour coded and will ideally kept out on a table with the …
Pouring water into three glasses
Material Description: Have a plastic tray or one which has a base covered in an oil cloth. On the tray there will be three to five glasses, cups or mugs and a jug kept at the right base corner. The glasses are arranged diagonally from the left-base corner to the top-right corner, to give the …
Pouring grains using two jugs
Material Description: Have a plastic tray or one which has a base covered in an oil cloth. On the tray there will be two jugs kept at different sides. Both jugs should be made of the same material. In the Children’s House have three or four sets in different materials (e.g. brass, china, steel, glass, …
Polishing Brass
Material Description: A basket or tray covered with an oil cloth containing a small bowl or box with two pieces of cotton wool, a small tin of Brasso (filled only one-quarter full), a stick, a buffer cloth, two aprons (one child size) and an oil cloth. Put on the aprons on, have a chowki and …
Arranging Flowers
Material Description: An apron, oil cloth, bucket, basin and matching jug, drying cloth, basket, scissors, spare paper, sponge, two vases of different materials and two coasters to stand them on and a tray (if the materials are not arranged on a table). The flowers can be brought from the garden or another vase elsewhere in …
Dusting a small table (chowki)
Material Description: A tray with a duster and brushes and a chowki already placed to fold duster. A dusty chowki and pedal bin need to be available. Presentation: With the child examine a chowki or other area for dust, decide to clean it Ask the child to take a duster, carrying it with index and …
Pouring using a Funnel
Material Description: A small bottle, a funnel and a jug placed in this order onto a tray, and a drying cloth. The jug should be filled three-quarters full with water. Presentation: Bring the tray to the chowki Ask her to place the drying cloth in the corner of the tray Place the …