More Care of the Outdoor Environment Activities

Sweeping paths Caring for outdoor plants Collecting and raking leaves Sowing seeds Planting a small plant Collecting litter with a picker-upper Watering potted plants Feeding birds at a bird table Using a small wheelbarrow Weeding plants The school should have an outdoor space to observe the seasons, to grow shrubs, flowing plants and grasses with …

Washing Hands

Material Description: A small, light-weight china, ceramic or steel basin and corresponding jug and bucket, a soap and soap dish and another soap-dish with nail brush, hand lotion, fresh hand towel, drying cloth and apron Presentation: This presentation is given standing at a table Invite the child to the table Put on the aprons, roll …


Material Description: There are three cords of different colours about one and a half feet long, weighed down and joined at one end and attached to a box. The plat should be wrapped around the weight and carried to the working mat for stages 1 and 2, where it is unrolled, for stages 3 and …